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(Faculty of Education, University of Benin, Benin City, 2024-05) Tijani, A. A.; Obiweluozor, N.
This study examined the financial management strategies and private universities goal achievement in Edo and Kwara States, Nigeria. Descriptive research design of correlation type was adopted for the study. The target population comprised all management staff in all the seven private universities in the two states. Stratified random sampling technique was adopted to select 4 from 7 universities in the two states while proportimate random sampling method was used to select 120 respondents from the four sampled universities. The questionnaire, titled “Financial Management Strategies and Private University Goal Achievement (FMSPUGAQ)” was adopted to elicit information from the respondents on the variables under study. The instrument was validated by experts from the Private Universities in the two states. The reliability co-efficient of 0.76 was obtained through a pilot study of test, re-test method after analyzing the data using Pearson- product moment correlation statistic. Three research questions were answered with descriptive statistical method of percentages, means and standard deviation, while inferential statistical methods of t-test was employed to test the the hypotheses generated for the study. The findings from data analysis revealed that there was high level of financial management strategies in Private Universities in Edo and Kwara State, Nigeria . However, there was a moderate level of goal achievement in Universities in Edo State. Conclusively, there was no significant difference in Financial Management Strategies and goal achievement in Universities in Edo and Kwara State, Nigeria. Also, there was no significant difference in financial management strategies and private Universities Goal Achievement in Edo and Kwara States, Nigeria. In consideration of the findings, the study recommended that private Universities in Nigeria should pay more attention to project evaluation as a financial management strategy. The areas of deficiencyinFinancial Management in the StateUniversities under study should be thoroughly addressed.
(Department of Marketing, Faculty of Management Sciences, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria, 2021-01) Department of Marketing, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria
The editor-in-chief for Ilorin Journal of Marketing (IJM), Faculty of Management Sciences, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria is pleased to issue the Volume 7, Number 1, Year 2021 edition of the Journal. IJM provides a platform to publish current dynamism in the field of marketing through scholarly written articles that investigated existing and emerging real-world situations. The current issue of the Journal comprises of eleven empirical articles which addressed issues from the different areas of marketing. the use of social media for the consumption of nutritional information. The first article in this edition written by Gamama, Mustapha and Balami examine the mediating effect of purchase intention on perceived behavioural control and online shopping behaviour of staff of the University of Maiduguri. The study results revealed that purchase intention has no mediating effect on the perceived behavioural control and online shopping behaviour. In the second article, Omolekan writes on product attributes' influence on consumer experience using Nigeria's online shoppers as a case study. The study employs Partial Least Square Algorithms and Bootstrapping techniques as an analytical method. The study found that the identified tangible and intangible product attributes are significant in predicting online shoppers experience in Nigeria. The third article by Oteh and others specifically seeks to ascertain youths' information needs from social media platforms and social media's effect on nutritional information consumption. The study's findings revealed that sex, marital status and awareness of nutrition and dietary information negatively influence At the same time, location and recommendations by the experts also had a significant positive influence on the use of social media for the consumption of nutritional and dietary information in the study area. In the fourth paper, Amusa and Abdul explore the effectiveness of the marketing chain of shea-butter in Kwara State, Nigeria. The study's analysis shows that Shea butter production in the study area is based on the traditional method, which resulted in the highest total cost and revenue for the producers compared to that of wholesalers and retailers. The fifth article is the work of Adamu, Aliyu, Abdulhamid and Yahaya which investigates product packaging's effect on Kaduna Polytechnic Students' purchase behaviour. The authors discovered that product packaging elements such as product shape/size, product colour, and product wrapping materials significantly affect v Kaduna Polytechnic students' purchase behaviour, while product graphic design did not. The sixth article, written by Woli-Jimoh and Saka addresses the impact of supervisory development programme on the quality of service delivered by the Civil Servants in Kwara State. This work revealed that productivity training programmes impacted on the performance of civil servants in Kwara State because it addresses a specific area of their skills deficiency and knowledge. In the seventh article, Ayinde and others compare consumers' preference for various poultry egg powder products with fresh eggs in Ilorin Metropolis. The study revealed that consumers in Ilorin metropolis preferred the powdery products than fresh eggs for albumen, yolk and whole egg powder respectively. The eighth paper on customers’ references marketing and patronage authored by Mustapha, Gbadeyan, and Olowo explore the influence of customers’ reference marketing on the patronage of Orange Global Oil services, Ilorin. The study found that customers’ reference marketing variables such as offering complex-based referral and innovativeness-based referral significantly influence the customers' patronage of Orange Global Oil services. In the ninth article, Jenyo and others examine the effect of mentoring on job creation capacity among business incubatees in Offa Local Government Area of Kwara State. The study utilised regression analysis as a statistical tool to find that mentoring roles of incubation centres which are exhibited through institutional support, values alignment, self-efficacy and trust affect the job creation capacity among the incubatees. The tenth article written by Ogah, Aluko and Medeyese examines marketing planning and resources management as a panacea for improving Nigeria's socio economic development. The study found that financial budget and market research which are metric of marketing planning significantly affect resources management towards socio-economic development in Nigeria. The final article by Adenuga and others investigates the influence of innovative marketing strategy on non-financial performance of manufacturing companies in Lagos State and the study discovered a positive relationship between innovative marketing strategy and non-financial performance of selected manufacturing companies in Lagos State.
(Department of Marketing, Faculty of Management Sciences, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria, 2022-01) Department of Marketing, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria
The editorial board of Ilorin Journal Marketing (IJM) is pleased to present its Volume 8 number 1 2022 edition. The edition contains ten empirical articles with resourceful findings that addressed emerging problem areas in the field of marketing and general management. The first article investigated the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic on business performance in the South-west of Nigeria. The study findings showed that covid-19 pandemic significantly affected customer patronage and profitability of MSMEs' owners in the geo-political zone. The second article examined the effects of creativity and innovation on the sustainable business performance of manufacturing firms in Kwara State, Nigeria. The study found an established positive relationship among creativity and innovation dimensions and sustainable business performance. The influence of consumer response on the adoption and usage of energy-saving lights among residents of Abia State, Nigeria, was the third article's focus. The article discovered that electricity bills and the cost of energy-saving bulbs had a negative and considerable impact on energy bulb uptake and usage in the study research area. The fourth article examined the effect of marketers' socio-economic factors on agricultural produces marketed in the Edu Local Government Area of Kwara State, Nigeria. The findings demonstrated a positive nexus between marketers' socio economic characteristics and the farm produce they marketed. The fifth article explored the impact of adaptive organizational culture on organisational survival. The study results showed that adaptive organisational culture significantly impacted organisational survival. The sixth article investigated the perception of young graduate entrepreneurs on academia-industry linkages and innovative capacity of technological enterprises in North-central, Nigeria. The study's findings revealed that the extent of collaboration between academia-industry for sustainable innovation is relatively inadequate. The seventh article examined the effect of marketing strategy on the growth of entrepreneurial development in Ilorin West Local Government Area of Kwara State. The study's findings exposed that promotional marketing strategies have a significant effect on the growth of entrepreneurial development. v The focus of the eighth article is on the impact of organisational ethics on organisational performance of First Bank Nigeria Plc, Ilorin, Kwara State. The results revealed that both discipline and integrity dimensions were relevant to organisational performance. The ninth article addressed the issue of agricultural products' physical distribution design and economic development in North-central Nigeria. The study found that transportation, warehousing, and inventory control as proxies of physical distribution significantly affected economic development in North-central Nigeria. Lastly, the tenth article examined the Covid-19 spike, organizational proactivity, and SME's survival. The findings from the study revealed that organizational pro activeness has a positive influence on SME's performance and innovation has a strong influence on SME's survival. We appreciate our Editorial Advisory Board and Editorial Team for the supports provided, making it possible for the journal's volume and issue to be published as scheduled. We are grateful to our anonymous peer reviewers for the diligent reviewing process, which improved the quality of the articles in this edition. We also appreciate our contributors for their patronage despite the journal's rigorous review procedure. The editorial team is poised to keep working to ensure that IJM issues/editions are published as at when due. Thank you.
(Department of Marketing, Faculty of Management Sciences, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria, 2019-01) Department of Marketing, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria
It is a normal thing in life that people often want to become winners and never losers. This is because winners are honoured and celebrated. This is also the same in the corporate world, there is always the desire for a corporate entity to become an awardwinning company. The benefit of winning for a company includes: the elevation of the company's status, the attraction of new customers and employees to the business, improvement of the employees' morale and increase customer loyalty. The simple truth is that winning involves overcoming challenges from the competitors. In other words, when a person is good at doing something, others will like to copy him. Jay Baer succinctly expressed this by saying that "If your competitors start copying you, then you are doing something right!" Baer an American marketing consultant, speaker, and author was born on September 29, 1969. He is recognized as having attained high visibility and expertise in Marketing. I seriously believe that with the contributions we are getting in terms of paper submission to our Journal, from within and outside the University; we are doing right and we mean to keep doing so till the end. I am happy to inform you that with the emergence of Ilorin Journal of Marketing about six years ago, there are now new Marketing Journals coming into the limelight from other Universities. This is serving as a good development to the field of Marketing in Nigeria. We hope that this will give room for broader and diverse discourse in the marketing discipline. This edition is quite an improvement over the past issues and we promise to keep doing so till the Journal becomes the best. We thank all the contributors and our anonymous reviewers for their commitment and support. We look forward to receiving your comments and criticism. This, we believe, will further add value to our work. Thank you.
(Department of Marketing, Faculty of Management Sciences, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria, 2017-01) Department of Marketing, University of Ilorin, Ilorin
It is with great pleasure to present to our teeming audience this edition of Ilorin Journal of Marketing; Vol 4 No 1, January 2017. The history of the Journal dated back to 2014 when I was the Head of Department. I appointed the founding Editor, Dr. M. A. Aremu to assist the Department in putting in place an Academic Journal that will enable the Academic Staff both within and outside the University to publish their research. It is with great joy that he has done well in keeping the dream aglow. He has successfully produced five issues of the Journal before appointing me as the Editor, on my resumption from Sabbatical leave. This was due to the pressure of work from his office as the successive Head of Department and his confidence in me. I commend him for giving me this opportunity. I am equally using this opportunity to appreciate the support of Dr. Y. I. Mustapha, the incumbent Head, Department of Marketing. He has been very committed to the successful completion of this edition. This edition has been put together to further show case our pursuit for excellence and scholarship. There have been very few journals in Marketing, therefore, the purpose of floating the Ilorin Journal of Marketing is to enable upcoming and practicing marketers both in the Academic and Corporate Sector to publish their works and contribute to the growing discourse in Marketing. We have received a lot of manuscripts from authors but only ten of the papers have been able to scale through our rigorous review and editorial process. It is our hope that those authors whose papers were rejected will not be discouraged to submit their manuscripts for the subsequent issues. The art of writing for academic publication can only be mastered through continuous learning and training. We should not forget that practice makes perfect. We sincerely express our profound gratitude to our anonymous reviewers and members of the editorial board for the great job done. We have put all the papers in this issue through plagiarism and grammar check, despite all these, we cannot rule out the possibility of having minor mistakes. We promised to keep on doing better as we make progress in our subsequent publication. It is, therefore, expected that we shall be getting feedback from our readers which we believe, will help us be on the right course. Thank you all for your support.