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Teachers' Motivation as Determinant of Academic Performance of Secondary School History Students in Ilorin, Kwara State
(Al-Hikmah Journal of Arts and Social Sciences Education, 2021-12-23) ALABI, Jimoh Adeniyi; ILIASU, Samuel Femi; ABDULKADIR, Bolakale Abdulkadir
This study examined the teachers’ motivation as a determinant of academic performance of secondary school History students in Ilorin, Kwara State. The population of this study comprised all History teachers and students in 184 public senior secondary schools in Ilorin metropolis of Kwara State, while the target population were History teachers and SS 3 History students from the nine (9) selected senior secondary schools in Ilorin metropolis which involved of Ilorin East, Ilorin South and Ilorin West respectively. Purposive sampling technique was used to select 27 History teachers and 108 History students from the nine (9) selected senior secondary schools in Ilorin metropolis to make a total number of 135 respondents as a sample for the study. The instrument administered to collect data and information for this study are questionnaire and profoma, using inferential statistics of Pearson product moment correlation statistics at 0.05 level of significance to test all the three hypotheses generated in the study. The findings revealed that there was significant relationship between teachers' motivation, professional development, remuneration and academic performance of History students’ in Ilorin metropolis, Kwara State. Based on the findings, it is recommended that government should ensure that teachers are well-paid(salaries and allowances) as and when due and organise professional development programmes so as to encourage teachers to put in their best in carrying out their duties which in-turn could improve good academic performance of History students.
National System of Education in Finland.
(UlchDigi Prints & Services., 2022-01-20) Egharevba, C. U.; Aburime, A. O.; Iliasu, S. F.
A Comparative Analysis of the Learning Outcome of History Education and History and International Studies Students of University of Ilorin 2017-2019.
(Centre for Continuing Education (CCE), Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Port Harcourt., 2023-01-20) Aburime, A. O., Jekayinfa, O. J. & Chibueze D. (2023). IAUA Journal of Universal Research (IJUR). Publisher: 2, 1, 67-84
The main purpose of this study was to carry out a comparative analysis of the learning outcome of History Education and History and International Studies Students of University of Ilorin (2017-2019). The population of the study comprises of 800 students in both Department of History Education, History and International Studies.Two research questions guided the study, A stratified sampling technique was used to extract the data (results) of 10 students from each level in the Department of Arts Education (History Education).This same process was repeated in the Department of History and International Studies.The total numbers of sample used for the study were eighty (80) which includes 40 from each of the Departments. A researcher designed pro forma was used to elicit information from the respondents. Data obtained from the respondents were subjected to analysis of t-test and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) at 0.05 level of significance. The results obtained from the data gathered and analyzed in this study indicated that the majority of the History Education students graduated with second-class lower and thus, having average learning outcome. The majority of the History and International Studies students graduated with second-class lower and thus, having average learning outcome. There was no statistically significant difference in the learning outcome of History Education and History and International Studies students of University of llorin (t (689) = 2.66, p>0.05). There was no statistically significant difference in the learning outcome of male History Education and History and International Studies students of University of llorin (t (410)=2.74,p>0.05). Based on the findings of this study. the following recommendations were made: students should brace up and take their studies and courses seriously, School authorities should organize and integrate academic seminars workshops,and conferences part of the compulsory courses for the students.
Comparative Analysis of Gender Equality in Enrolment and Completion of Primary School Girls in Ilorin West and Ilorin South
(Centre for Continuing Education (CCE), Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Port Harcourt, 2022-01-20) Aburime, A. O.; Jekayinfa, O. J.
This study was conducted to investigate gender equality in enrolment and completion of primary school girls. The report in the study constitutes a comprehensive survey on the reason primary school enrolment rate for girls lag behind those of boys. The study also feature the post Millennium Development Goal Agenda, setting out recommendations for the education sector at the international, national and local level with the aim of transforming the experiences of girls at school. This empirical study contains some basic statistics on the level of girl's exclusion from education in llorin West and llorin South. It presents statistical information on gender equality. It also presented the multi-faceted strategies necessary to address not only different dimensions of girls and women lives but understand gendered relationships and structurally entrenched inequalities between women and men, girls and boys. Also it analysed the way schools can perpetrate gender stereotypes and investigated how this can be prevented. A descriptive survey design was employed. A-9 four point Likert scale researchers questionnaire was used for data collection. The instrument consists of (9) items administered to 360 respondents. Out of the 360 questionnaires administered, 357 questionnaires were returned. Data collected were analysed using mean ratings while each case study ended with conclusion and a set of policy recommendations, Therefore, it was recommended that post-MDG goals are not sufficient for what need to be done to address girls' and women education needs, setting the target population too low and still, only in terms of access not attendance, completion and equality. Thus, the paper discussed some of the key challenges in achieving real gender equality in education providing examples of initiatives in a range of context, including gender-responsive budgeting in primary education. It was concluded that gender inequality exist among nations as regards girl-child right. It was recommended that the government should ensure that girl-child education is given utmost priority as the education policies should be well regulated to promote gender equality.
Comparative Study of the performance of Male and Female Senior Secondary Students in Christian Religious Studies in Ilorin West LGA, 2015-2019.
(Department of Educational Foundations, Faculty of Education, University of Port Harcourt, Port Harcourt., 2022-08-20) Aburime, A. O.
This research is a comparative study of the performance of school male and Female senior secondary students in Christian Religious Studies in Ilorin West Local Government Area Kwara State, from 2015-2019. A lot of research studies have been carried out to understand the reason for students' poor performance in the subject. The purpose of this research was focused on examining the factors affecting students' poor performance in CRS, the difference in the academic performance of male and female in CRS and the challenges facing the teaching of CRS in senior secondary schools.To carry out this research, four schools were selected in llorin West Local Government Area Kwara State, Nigeria. Four (4) CRS teachers and twenty-four (24) students were randomly selected from each of the four (4) selected schools which equaled Hundred (100) respondents. Simple random sampling technique was adopted to select the sample. The data for the study was gathered using a researcher designed questionnaire. The findings revealed that the pattern of students' performance in examination in Christian Religious Studies is such that students perform well in New Testament topics followed by miracle topics, healing topics and in Old Testament topics, and factors such as students' interest, teacher's methodology, unconducive environment, lack of instructional material and teacher's relationship affects student's performance in CRS.It was recommended that there be conducive environment, students' positive attitude, provision of Instructional materials, improved teacher-student's relationship and provision of adequate facilities for better student's performance in CRS.