Appraisal of Social Welfare Practices and the Well-Being of Staff of selected Federal Learning Institutions in Kwara State, Nigeria.
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Nigeria Journal of Educational Foundations. A Journal of the Department of Social Science Education, University of Ilorin.
This study appraised Social Welfare Practices on well-being of staff of selected Federal learning institutions in Kwara State, Nigeria. The study has five objectives and five research questions. Descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. 5,716 were considered as the target population from which a sample size of 361 respondents was selected through multi-stage sampling procedure. A self-developed questionnaire was used for data collection. The reliability of the instrument was done using test re-test technique and a co-efficient 0.87 was obtained using Pearson Product Moment Correlation (PPMC). The data collected were analyzed using frequency count and percentages. Among the findings of the study were: that the level of awareness of social welfare practices among staff of the selected Federal Learning institutions was high and that social welfare had positive impact on well-being of staff especially in the areas of improvement of socioeconomic status, access to better health care, as well as addressing certain financial needs. The study recommended that the management of social welfare practices need to create more awareness among staff so as to increase level of patronage and periodic interview should be conducted on members to determine whether the practice have positive impact on them.
Appraisal,, Social Welfare Practices,, Well-Being,, Staff and Federal Learning Institutions