The Effects of Proliferation of Churches in Nigeria

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Department of English and Literary Studies, Veritas University, Abuja.


Proliferation of Churches has continued to become a challenging phenomenon in Nigeria. This is because, hardly would one pass through any major streets in Nigeria today, without finding churches established close to one another. This has been a challenging reality to the Nigerian society, as people conceive diverse views on the activities of these churches. To some, establishment of churches is a good development to the society as it helps to curb the social vices in the community. While others believe that many of these churches are fast becoming nuisances to the society. The society does not seem to accept the activities of some of these churches, many of them either fellowship in warehouses, classrooms, shops and other structures like uncompleted buildings and the residences of their founders, with few members. The aim of this paper was to examine the effects of these Churches on Christianity in Nigeria, while its objectives were to assess the activities of these churches and analyzed some of the effects on Christianity in Nigeria. It also interrogated some of the features of these churches. The paper adopted historical and empirical methods; primary sources like interviews were also used to enable us have adequate information on the views of people in order to determine the strength and weakness of these churches. Some of the findings of this paper showed that Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) could do little or nothing to checkmate the activities and excessiveness of these churches. The paper concluded by suggesting that these churches be checkmate to prevent them from becoming another form of societal vices instead of being a tool of societal development in Nigeria.



Church proliferation, Effects, Christianity, Nigeria

