Communal Conflicts in the North Central States and Food Insecurity in Nigeria: e Panacea of the Chinese Example

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The Quint A Quartely Journal from the North Published by the University College of the North Canada


Nigeria is richly endowed with vast natural resources and an estimated population of about 140 million people who need food for their daily survival. e favorable climatic and topographical conditions of the North central states of Benue, Nassarawa and Plateau place them in a good position to provide food for the entire country. Perceived poverty and food insecurity in Nigeria is not only as the result of cumulative consequences of the general failure of agricultural policies and implementation over time, but also incessant communal conflicts and clashes mostly between the Fulani herdsmen and the host communities. is paper focuses on the challenges that these conflicts pose while considering downward trends in agricultural production in Nigeria and how the Chinese example may act as a panacea.




Food,, Food insecurity,, Conflicts,, Communal clashes

