Learning needs analysis of prospective adult learners in University of Maiduguri.

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A Publication of the Department of Economics, University of Maiduguri, Maiduguri, Nigeria.


ABSTRACT A Questionnaire survey was administered among junior staff members of University of Maiduguri to determine their learning needs at literacy classes. A total of fifty questionnaires was prepared and distributed among the prospective learners. The study included both male and female population and was conducted between November 2007 and January 2008. Learning Needs Analysis Questionnaire was administered on 45 randomly selected junior staff members. Of the 45 respondents, most of the prospective learners showed their preference for learning arithmetic (64.9%) followed by reading (32.4%) and writing (2.7%) was the least module interested in. As per the vocational training required by the prospective adult learners most of the people wanted to be taught a vocational skill different from their present area of specialty. The study reaffirmed the need for a bottom-top approach in curriculum development for adult learners by government and non-governmental organizations engaged in adult education programmes in Nigeria. Key words: Learner needs, Analysis, Prospective, Adult literacy and Learners.


Journal of Arid Zone Economy. 9 (1), 14-19.


Learner needs, Analysis,, Adult literacy and Learners.


