Curriculum implementation of entrepreneurship subjects at the senior secondary school: a paradigm shifts for result-oriented skill acquisition and sustainable development in Nigeria

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Department Science, Technology and Mathematics, University of Lagos, Nigeria


The problem of a high rate of unemployment among school leavers has for a long time been a cause for concern to the successive governments. Sound education which equips students to challenge the status quo and proffer better alternatives is the way out of the present economic quagmire. The introduction of ‘Trade Subjects’ into the Senior Secondary (SS) Education Curriculum is equally a welcome innovation in the Nigerian Education System. Every student must offer at least one trade/entrepreneurship subject. This paper examines theconcept and objectives of entrepreneurship education, prospects of the restructured curriculum, challenges of implementation of the trade/entrepreneurship subjects at the SSS level, way forward for successful implementation and conclusion and recommendations


Descriptive Survey


entrepreneurship,curriculum, sustainable development, skill aquisition


7 Adegboye, S. O. (2020): Curriculum implementation of entrepreneurship subjects at the senior secondary school: a paradigm shifts for result-oriented skill acquisition and sustainable development in Nigeria. Nigerian Online Journal of Educational Sciences and Technology (NOJEST). 1 (2); 84-90,
