The Stratigraphy and Structural Evaluation of Akiri and its environs, middle Benue Trough, Nigeria

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Published by Department of Science Education, Federal University of Technology, Minna, Nigeria


The petrology of rocks occuring in the areas of Wuse and Akiri in the Middle Benue Trough of Central Nigeria have been studied. The sediments were sampled and analysed by petrological microscopes was undertaken to characterise the minerals and elucidate aspects of their formation. The area is underlain by the Eze Aku Formation comprising shales, siltstones and sandstones and in places, conglomeratic ironstone, mudstones and limestones also occur. The shales are variably massive, nodular and paper- thinly laminated with concretional nodules in places. The sandstones are massively bedded, texturally coarse to medium and variably indurated while the siltstones are thinly laminated. These lithologies were cut by E /W and NW / SE trending, variably microscopic to 2.5 m thick copper mineralized veins. Thin section petrography of the host lithologies revealed quartz, feldspars (Microcline, plagioclase) and muscovite in the sandstone. Akiri vein deposits has significant chalcopyrite mineralization which occur as dissemination, veinlets and stockworks with well developed wall-rock silicification (alteration).



Ironstone, Mineralized veins, Laminated, Dissemination, Stockworks, nodules

