Lebanese Involvement in Cinematography, Hotel Management, and Pools betting Industry

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The Lebanese Involvement in Cinematography Hotel Management and Pool Betting Industry 1937-1986 As part of their entrepreneurial activities in Lagos, the Lebanese immigrants diversified into Cinematography, Hotel management, Pool betting, Gambling and Casinos businesses. This paper discusses their involvement in the aforementioned business activities in Lagos from 1937 when the Lebanese became involved in cinematography till mid 80s when the down turn of the economy occasioned by the Structural Adjustment Programme (SAP) of Military Government of General Babangida Administration as well as the arrival of home video business with the film industry led to its gradually decline. But hotel management and Pool betting have on the other hand continued to flourish. The methodology for this study is based on historical research comprising of primary and secondary sources. The primary sources involved oral interviews and collection of archival materials while the secondary sources comprise of a rigorous review of existing literature relating to the study. The findings of the study showed that while the Lebanese were no more involved in cinematography and pool betting and hotel management which were taken over by Nigerians as result of the indigenization decrees of the of the 70s and also the declining interest of Lagosian in going to cinemas-a factor occasioned by the structural adjustment programmes of the mid-80s. The conclusion of the study is that the Lebanese immigrant’s involvement in these business activities created to some extent socio economic impact on Nigerians society. It is hoped that the study will complement earlier studies on these areas and contribute to foreign involvement in these business activities in Lagos and also the economic history of Lagos.


Lebanese Involvement in Cinematography, Hotel Management, and Pools betting Industry


Pool betting, Nigeria, Lagos, Business, Cinema, Hotel management


Adebayo P.F (2019) ‘ Lebanese Involvement in Cinematography, Hotel Management, and Pools betting Industry in FUDMA JOURNAL OF ARTS, Vol. N0.1,pp1-12..Published by Faculty of Arts Federal University, Dutsinma, Katsina State.
