Conficker: An enviable threat to a computer and internet system

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Fafakawa Centre, University of Cape Coast, Ghana.


The fear of computer worms and virus have become the beginning of wisdom for most computer users just as they both pose threats to the computer and its all activities, organs and usefulness of computer systems. Most of the computer and internet users cannot also differentiate between Computer Virus and Worms and therefore risk a high damage to their system by performing various kinds of activities that are harmful to their system. The categories, damages, symptoms, preventions of a conficker worm among others are discussed in this paper.



Computer, virus., Conficker, Damages, Internet, Symptoms, threat, users


Adebayo, O.S., Amit, Mishra., Mabayoje, M.A., Abikoye, O.C. & Olagunju, Mukaila. (2011): Conficker: An Enviable Threat to a Computer and Internet System. West Africa Journal of Science, Technology and Social Sciences (WAJOSTECHS). 1 (1); 155-161, Published by Fafakawa Centre, University of Cape Coast, Ghana.
