Comparative foliar morphology and anatomy of Lagerstroemia L. Lythraceae and its taxonomic implication

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Nigeria Journal of Botany


The two introduced species of Lagerstroemia in Nigeria are differentiated with anatomical characters of the leaf and stem with the aid of light microscopy. Generic constant features are hypostomatic leaf, ranunculaceous stomatal type, bicollateral vascular bundle, glabrity of surfaces, presence of solitary crystals in the leaf epidermis and parenchyma tissue, and ring of sclerenchymatous hypoderm subtending the vascular bundles. Copious distribution of striations on both surfaces of the leaf epidermis, closed vascular bundles presence of mucilaginous cells and 25% stomatal index distinguish L. indica from L. speciosa which has scanty striations that are restricted to the adaxial surface of the leaf epidermis, closed or open vascular bundles, no mucilaginous cells and 20% stomatal index. The characters may be confined to individuals from tropical Africa and, they have been succinctly presented in a bracketed key for the purpose of species delimitation.



epidermal morphology, Largerstroimia, Anatomy, Taxonomic


Kadiri, A.B. Sulaimon, K. D & Adeniran, S. A. (2013). Comparative foliar morphology and anatomy of Lagerstroemia L. Lythraceae and its taxonomic implication. The Nigeria Journal of Botany 26(2): 275-284. Published by Botanical Society of Nigeria
