Discrimination and Job Demands as Predictors of Job Satisfaction among Higher National Diploma Holders in the Kwara State Civil Service

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Department of Business Administration, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria


This study examined the influence of discrimination and job demands on the job satisfaction of HND holders in the Kwara State Civil service, Ilorin. The study utilized a cross-sectional survey design using multi-sampling technique A total of two hundred and forty-four (244); with 112 males and 132 females HND holders were sampled. Discrimination Scale (Sanchez and Brock (1996), Job Demand Scale (Kuper and Marmot, 2003) and Job Satisfaction Scale (Macdonald, 1997) were used to collect data to test the hypotheses which were analysed using T-test, Regression and correlation was employed to assess job satisfaction. Results indicate that job discrimination significantly predicted job satisfaction t (247) = 2.711; P<.01).Sex, age, profession, marital status cadre and length of service jointly predicted job satisfaction (R = .529; R2 =.280; F (6,241) = 15.630; P<.01). There is significant relationship between job demand, job discrimination and job satisfaction at (P<.05). Job discrimination and job demands were important factors influencing job satisfaction among HND holders in the Kwara state Civil Service, Ilorin. It is therefore recommended that, Government should regularize the disparity between degree and HND holders, to put an end to the discrimination being experienced by the HND holders at work as this will improve their job satisfaction.



Discrimination, job demand, satisfaction

