Designing of a gasoline food-grade magnetic hammer mill


This study aimed to design and fabricate a laboratory-scale gasoline food-grade magnetic hammer mill and to estimate the milling efficiency, milling yield, milling time, energy consumption, and energy intensity of some selected food materials (soybean, rice, and cassava flakes). The hopper, shaft, sieve, and hammers of the gasoline food-grade magnetic hammer mill are made of stainless steel and the structural base is made of mild steel. Cassava flakes had the highest milling yield (940 g), lowest energy consumption (0.94 MJ), energy intensity (0.94 MJ kg-1), and the highest milling efficiency (94%) while soybean had the longest milling time (5.86 min). The cost of designing the gasoline foodgrade magnetic hammer mill was estimated at $360. The designed gasoline food-grade magnetic hammer mill could be adopted for milling different food materials but its performance varies based on the food material. This hammer mill also serves as an alternative to the conventional electrically powered hammer mill with a special feature of trapping metallic object from food materials.



energy consumption, gasoline, magnetic, hammer mill, food materials

