A Framework for Coordinating Usability Engineering and Software Engineering Activities in the Development of Content Management Systems
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AIMS Research Journal Publication Series The International Centre for Information Technology & Development (ICITD), USA.
Due to the expansion of the internet in recent years, we have witnessed an increase in popularity of web
applications and its technologies. A particular technology of web application, Content Management system,
has also gained relevance as they facilitate the distribution of wide varieties of content. The process involved
in designing and developing content management system is a complex procedure due to the variability of its
requirement over time which has effects on its architecture and design. Currently, the Usability Engineering
(UE) and Software Engineering (SE) processes are practiced as being independent of each other. However,
several dependencies and constraints exist between these two frameworks, which make coordination
between the UE and the SE teams crucial. Failure of coordination between the UE and SE teams leads to
CMS that often lacks necessary functionality and impedes user performance. At the same time, the UE and
SE processes cannot be integrated because of the differences in focus, techniques, and terminology. We
therefore propose a development framework that incorporates SE and UE efforts to guide current CMS
development. The framework characterizes the information exchange that must exist between the UE and
SE teams during CMS development to form the basis of the coordinated development framework. The UE
Scenario-Based Design (SBD) process provides the basis for identifying UE activities. Similarly, the
Requirements Generation Model (RGM), and Structured Analysis and Design are used to identify SE
activities. We identify UE and SE activities that can influence each other, and identify the high-level
exchange of information that must exist among these activities. We further examine these interactions to
gain a more in-depth understanding as to the precise exchange of information that must exist among them.
The identification of interacting activities forms the basis of a coordinated development framework that
incorporates and synchronizes the UE and SE processes.
Software Engineering, Usability Engineering, Content Management System, Software Process Improvement
A.O, Balogun, M.A. Mabayoje, E.O. Adeniyi & S.A. Salihu (2017). A Framework for Coordinating Usability Engineering and Software Engineering Activities in the Development of Content Management Systems. Journal of Digital Innovations & Contemp Res. In Sc., & Eng Vol. 5, No. 2.