The State of Reading in Faculty Libraries: A Socio-Economic Analysis
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IOSR Journal Of Humanities And Social Science (IOSR-JHSS)
Abstract: Descriptive survey design and simple balloting method is employed in selecting four(4) faculty
libraries in University of Ibadan,Nigeria. Questionnaire was the main instrument used to collect necessary
information from the students.Two hundred and fifty copies of questionnaire were administered with returned
rate of 95.6%. Analysisof data collected with regard to the effects of the socio-economic factors on the state of
reading in faculty libraries reveals that autobiography was ranked first out of areas of reading interest, having
2.22 ± 1.13 as the mean and standard deviation (SD) respectively while the text book took the lowest share with
1.43 ± 0.52 as the mean and standard deviation (SD) respectively. Also, the social factors affecting reading
habits of students are as follows; frequent use of library followed by the parents level of education, while least
of the factors was specific selected area of interest and then the economic factors are: parents not skilled
followed by the parents very poor while the least of the factors was parents being considered very rich. Lastly in
terms of use of library, borrowing most books from the library and use the library for online reading materials
top the use of library while the least of the use were consulting the librarian for information and consulting
reference section for any information. The study recommends that more information technology devices should
be procured in the faculty libraries of universities in Nigeria and improvement on economic and social factors
by the government.
Key words: Reading habit, Faculty libraries, Socio-economic factors, ICT.