Women Career Advancement for Sustainable Development in Construction Industry in Nigeria
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Proceedings of the Construction Business & Project Management Conference (CPDM 2021) Windapo A. O., Aiyetan A. O., Umeokafor N. Okoro C. S., Adediran A. & Mtya A. 1-10. Published by Department of Construction Economics and Management, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa.
Women in the construction industry found it difficult to break through in career
advancement even with their knowledge, skills and experience, thereby constitute a
small percentage at the top management positions. This study, therefore, analysed
factors impeding women from attaining the top in their career. Data for the study were
collected from contracting and consulting firms in Lagos State, Nigeria, through the
administration of questionnaire to conveniently selected Architects, Quantity
Surveyors, Engineers and Contractors. Analyses of data were carried out using Mean
Score and Standard Deviation. Findings revealed that family/work-life balance, high
degree of stress on the job and lack of flexible work hours and schedules are the most
important factors that constitute a barrier to women carrier advancement. Better
work/life balance and equality in career development opportunities for both males and
females were the most important factors facilitating women's career advancement.
The correlation coefficient indicated a strong positive relationship between factors
constituting a barrier to women career advancement and factors that facilitate career
advancement in the construction industry. The degree of agreement among the
respondents in their judgments concerning their ranking of the factors was determined.
The results indicated a significant degree of agreement among the respondents.
Findings revealed that employers should establish flexible working practices and
provide equality in career development opportunity for both men and women to be at
par with men at the top managerial positions.
Career advancement, Construction industry, Lagos, Managerial positions, Women
Adebiyi R. T., Amuda-Yusuf G., Rasheed A. S., & Ekanem S. F. (2021): Women Career Advancement for Sustainable Development in Construction Industry in Nigeria. Proceedings of the Construction Business & Project Management Conference (CPDM 2021) Windapo A. O., Aiyetan A. O., Umeokafor N. Okoro C. S., Adediran A. & Mtya A. 1-10. Published by Department of Construction Economics and Management, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa.