Global Media and Muslim Representations

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Ahmed, Murtadha Busair
Abubakar, Ibrahim Yusuf
Mustapha, Lambe Kayode

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University of Muhammediyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia and International Islamic University Malaysia


The contemporary global economy and the role of the global media in shaping people’s opinions towards it accommodation have great implication for Muslims’ culture, values and image, considering the secularizing tendency of the project on one hand and pejorative portrayal of Muslims on the other. By their reach and pervasive nature, global media penetrates all civilization and alter their entire structures and potencies, by blurring, bending and blending the audiences’ perspectives with the megalomaniac Western values and decimating other perspectives that run counter to them. Most prevalent is their assaults on Islam and Muslims through various informational and cultural framings that have gained sustained prominence in the absence of a credible alternative system. In view of the implication of the ongoing on the Muslims and the fatality of creating unnecessary division in the already culturally-inclined fragile globe, this paper contributes to the ongoing debate on creation on responsible global media regime, by awakening the stakeholders on desirable roles, that would be beneficial to all in the short and long run.


This paper articulates the impact of global media and globalised cultural homogeneity on Islam and Muslims


Globalization, Global media, Muslim world, Muslim representation, Western values


Ahmad, M.B., Abubakar, I.Y. and Mustapha, L. K. (2009) Global Media and Muslim Representation. Proceeding 2nd UMY-IIUM International Joint Seminar Muntohar, A. S., et al (eds.) 15-26. Kuala Lumpur: University of Muhammediyah Yogyakarta, Indonesia and International Islamic University Malaysia.
