Issues in Mushrooming and Standards in Private Early Childhood Education in Nigeria

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Department of Social Sciences Education, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria


Education as an essential key for human & nations development, hence the need to maintain every level of education especially the early childhood stage. The paper presents the origin of early childhood education in Nigeria and the development of private investment in early childhood education. However, the privatisation of early childhood education is subjected to effects which serves as shortcomings in the implementation of the national policy of the early childhood education programme. This can be connected to the fact that the establishment of schools by the private individuals and groups are for commercial and economic gain or interest. Also, the structures of some of these private nursery/primary schools are saddening to write about, they are not just in a very bad state, they are scary. Some of the buildings look like some old houses in a forgotten land somewhere in a forest. Hence, there is need for a reform of in the childhood education sector. For early childhood education to serve as great values, it requires government involvement by enforcing the regulations laid down by the Federal Ministry of Education regarding the provisions of early childhood education and the establishment of private schools. The issue of standards in early childhood education was presented and it was recommended among others that effective quality monitoring units should be set up by the Ministry of Education and government should provide necessary logistics support to ensure that minimum standards are maintained.



Early childhood education, Privatization, Mushroom, Standard

