Perceived Effects Of Strike Action By Health Workers On The Effective Health Care Service Delivery In Federal Medical Centre, Yenagoa, Bayelsa State

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African British Journals.


Background: This study was carried out to ascertain the perceived effects of strike action on the effective health care service delivery in Federal Medical Centre Yenagoa. Purpose: The objective of the study was translated in to research question. A null hypothesis was put forward: there will be no significant relationship between health workers strike action and effective health care service delivery in Federal Medical Centre Yenagoa. Relevant literature to the study was reviewed. Methods: The research methodology involved a descriptive study, where a simple random sampling technique was used to select a study population and sample size of 226 men and women from a target population of 520 health workers and patients. A structured questionnaire was used as instrument for data collection. A total of 236 questionnaires were administered to the respondents at Federal Medical Centre; out of which, 226 questionnaires were completely filled and retrieved from the respondents while the other 10 questionnaires were lost. Data obtained were analyzed and presented using percentage tables and figures. Results: The study came out with the major findings that 158(70%) said poor working condition results to health workers strike, while 203(90%) perceived that strike results to mismanagement by alternative healers and high private hospital costs, increase financial burden on patients; increase morbidity and mortality especially the poor and unequal access to quality medical care. The null hypothesis was tested using chisquare (x2) statistical tool at 0.5 level of significance and at degree of freedom of 4. The chisquare table value is x2 =3.2784 while the critical value from x2 table of value is = 9.4858, at a P value of 0.51234. Therefore, since x2 value calculated is lesser than the critical value, the null hypothesis is rejected while the alternate hypothesis is accepted. Conclusion: Thus, there is significant relationship between health workers strike action and effective health care service delivery in Federal Medical Centre, Yenagoa. Recommendations: were made based on the finding among which are: government employers should define the goals and objectives of health workers in order to avoid incessant industrial action by health workers; health workers should device other means than engage in industrial action. The implications of the study to nursing were spelt out and suggestion for further research was also made.



Strike, Health Care, Health Workers, Federal Medical Centre, Nigeria

