Virginity among youths: Implications for sexual health and marital counselling

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Counselling Association of Nigeria


Sexual immoralities have become the order of the day. Girls no longer cherish chastity and the dignity of womanhood is gradually fading away. Men have lost control over their emotions. It is obvious that the youths today do not see premarital sex as an immoral act and does not take virginity as dignity and worth cherishing. This definitely implies that they are involved in premarital sexual behaviours with its attendant risky behaviours/ consequences. Thus, this paper dealt with the value of chastity and psychological import of the unmarried remaining chaste till marriage; since marriage is one of the goals of most persons in the society. This paper discussed also the dating behaviour of today’s youth and noted that the dating avenue is the primary predisposing factor for youth’s involvement in premarital sex and associated shortcomings. The effects of premarital sex are spiritual, emotional, physical, and relational in nature. This invariably has lots of implications for sexual health and marital counseling bearing in mind the avalanche of research findings on the impact of premarital sex, risky sexual behaviours and personality maladjustment on an individual total wellbeing



Virginity, Youths, Sexual Health, Marital Counselling

