Efficiency of Alodat Sample Selection Procedure over Sen - Midzuno and Yates - Grundy Draw by Draw under Unequal Probability Sampling without Replacement Sample Size 2

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Journal of Mathematics Research


This paper compare the efficiency of Alodat sample selection procedure over Sen - Midzuno and Yates - Grundy draw by draw using Yates - Grundy estimator under unequal probability sampling without replacement sample size 2, carried out using the data from the 2008 Demographic and health survey in Nigeria. We studied the distribution of pregnant women age 15 - 49, and children under age five in Nigeria, who use mosquito nets as a means of preventing malaria. These data sets are: (1) the number of pregnant women age 15 - 49 who slept under mosquito nets the night before the survey, and (2) the number of children under age five who slept under mosquito nets the night before the survey. (1) and (2) above are the variables of interest. The data were collected based on the six geo-political zones in Nigeria [i.e. South South, South West, South East, North West, North East, North Central]. The auxiliary variable is the number of Local Government in each geo-political zone in Nigeria. The Yates - Grundy estimate obtained using Alodat sample selection is more efficient than using Sen - Midzuno and Yates - Grundy selection procedures.



Efficiency, Sample selection, Procedure, Probability sampling, Sample size

