Nigerian Press and the Niger Delta Agitations

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Department of Communication Art, University of Uyo


One of the critical issues engaging the attention of Nigeria, is the Niger Delta agitation. Aside from the region being the natural holder of the resources that form the financial vertebra of the nation, the agitation, resulting from over exploitation of the resources without corresponding returns, have turned the Niger Delta to a news maker of all time. In discharging their duties as socially responsible institutions, development partners, cultural industries, the media faced dilemmas in the quest to play their parts, particularly given the multiple and differing expectations of stakeholders. Balancing the varying the needs of being the societal watchdog, government ideology promoter and successful business not only marks conflicts, but is challenging. While journalism requires making all issues common knowledge, government favors moderation and corporation and business wants returns on investments. These means that practitioners should at times sacrifice and compromise to attain a balance – a breach of social responsibility philosophy. Giving the glorious past that the Nigeria press has recorded, therefore, the institutions should raise the issues of Niger Delta to the realm that can guarantee justice and fairness. Through robust people-centered journalism, this article believes the Nigerian press can commence mobilization and agitation for the much needed good governance that provides people’s current needs without jeopardizing the future of the next generation.


Through robust people-centered journalism, this article believes the Nigerian press can commence mobilization and agitation for the much needed good governance that provides people’s current needs without jeopardizing the future of the next generation.


Nigerian press, Niger Delta, Agitation, mobilisation, development


Mustapha, L. K. & Abdulbaqi, S. S. (2012): The press in the Niger Delta agitation. Journal of Media and Aesthetics. Special Issue, 117-137
