Banking Sector Reforms in Nigeria

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School of Management and Social Sciences, Babcock University, Ilisan-Remo


This paper evaluates micro-finance policy as contained in, the Banking Sector Reforms in Nigeria. It is hoped that it would serve as a useful guide to the stakeholders, potential investors, students, and other relevant regulatory agencies charged with the task of achieving credible reforms, especially [he aspect of microfinance policy in Nigeria. The issues discussed relate to the background of microfinance, conceptual framework, policy's objective, targets and strategies, categories of microfinance bank and expected benefits of the policy. This paper concluded that in spite of the failures in the earlier microfinance programmes in Nigeria there are still sufficient supports for the potentials of microfinance Ln poverty' reduction, economic growth and development, if properly implemented. To make good the, economic development potentials of microfinance in Nigeria the following suggestions were made: adequate capitalization of microfinance, a simple and rational regulatory framework and the, elimination barriers and unnecessary requirements for obtaining micro-credits.



Banking sector reforms, Agencies, Potential investors, Students

