Assessment of the Utilization of Information and Communication Technology in Literacy Centres in Ibadan North, Oyo State
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Nigerian Journal of Educational Foundations
The purpose of this study was to assess the utilization of information and communication technology in literacy centres in Ibadan North L.G.A .The population of the study comprises of adult learners in all mass literacy centres and advance learning centres in Ibadan North. The correspondents were randomly selected in selected centres within the study area. And the total number of eighty-five adult learners were used for the study. The data gathering instrument was by questionnaire administered on a randomly sample of Ten Adult centres in Ibadan North.Data collected were analyzed using frequencies and percentages for research question one and mean rating statistics for research question two. The study showed that the use of ICT facilities improved the teaching and learning in adult centers, helps adults to learn at their own pace, extends a wide range of experiences to the pupils and helps to improve adultperformances. The researcher proffers this as recommendation, adequate provision of ICT facilities, employment of efficient ICT personnel and periodical personnel training should be a top priority.
Adult Learners, Centres and Utilization, Information Communication Technology (ICT), Assessment, Literacy