Effects of Ionospheric Scintillation on Communication Systems: GPS and Satellite

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Published by Begell House Inc


The increasing use of satellite communication and GPS operating at 3 GHz and above can be affected by scintillation. Therefore, the knowledge of scintillation, as well as its effects on communication systems (satellite and GPS) is important in the planning and designing of communication systems links. In the past, most of the scintillation prediction models were based on data collected from temperate climates. These models do not perform well in equatorial and tropical climates due to uniform temperature, high humidity and abundant rainfall. Due to the unavailability of the required experimental setup as a result of huge capital cost involved, the measured scintillation fade and enhancement data were extracted from the reported works in JCSAT3 beacon, Indonesia. The results of predicted and measured scintillation intensity (fade and enhancement) were compared by using a few scintillation models. The results of the statistical analysis show that the Otung model is most suitable for scintillation fade and enhancement predictions with the least %RMS errors.



ionospheric scintillation, GPS, satellite, scintillation models, equatorial climates, tropical climates


Ajiboye, A., Abdulrahman, A. Y., Falade , A. J., Ajiboye, A. T., Zakariyya, O. S. & Rahman, T. A. (2017) : Effects of Ionospheric Scintillation on Communication Systems: GPS and Satellite. Telecommunication and Radio Engineering Journal 76(20); 1849-1859, Published by Begell House Inc, Available online at http://www.dl.begellhouse.com/journals/0632a9d54950b268,7d9b216a4cab7d62,68195cc55ec31046.html
