Effect of administration of Ibuprofen on the levels of parasitaemia, albumin and total protein concentration in rats infected with Trypanosoma bruce brucei

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African Scientists


Trypanosoma brucei brucei-infected rats were administered intraperitoneally with ibuprofen at the dose of 0.02mg/kg body weight, thrice daily before infection (prophylaxis), three and ten days post infections (early and late stage respectively). Two sets of control groups were set up in parallel with the test groups viz: positive and negative controls. Parasiataemia was monitored on daily basis. The animals were sacrificed using diethyl ether, albumin (Grant et al., 1987) and the protein concentrations (Tietz, 1995) were determined in the liver, kidney, brain and serum using standard methods. Albumin and total protein concentrations were significantly (P< 0.05) reduced in the tissues of the rats in the late stage compared to the positive control and treated groups while the concentrations of the biomolecules were significantly elevated (P>0.05) in the serum of the late stage group compared to those of the positive control and treated groups. It was concluded that Ibuprofen could be a good candidate for the management of African sleeping sickness. Ibuprofen significantly (P<0.05) reduces blood parasitaemia compare to the controls and extended the life span of the rats by 2, 4 and 7 days in the late, early and prophylactic stages respectively.


The results of this study suggest that Ibuprofen could be useful in the clinical management of African sleeping sickness since it was able to reduce parasitaemia level in the infected and treated rats. The biochemical parameters measured were also significantly reduced when compared with infected but untreated rats. We also speculate that ibuprofen may have caused the depletion of parasitaemia in the infected and treated rats owing to their ability to form complex with heme iron, which is a bye product of red blood cell lysis resulting from trypanosoma infection-induced erythrocyte membrane damage.


Albumin, Trypanosoma brucei brucei, Total protein, Ibuprofen, Trypanosomiasis


Sulaiman, F. A., Akanji, M.A. & Yakubu, M.T. (2012): Effect of administration of ibuprofen on the levels of parasitaemia, albumin and total protein concentrations in rats infected with Trypanosoma brucei brucei. African Scientists. 13(1): 57-63. ISSN: 1595-6881. Published by Nigerian Society For Experimental Biology (NISEB). Available online at https://www.researchgate.net/publication/285396950_Sulaiman_A_F_Akanji_MA_and_Yakubu_MT_2012_Effect_of_administration_of_ibuprofen_on_the_levels_of_parasitaemia_albumin_and_total_protein_concentrations_in_rats_infected_with_Trypanosoma_brucei_brucei_A and http://www.niseb.org/afs
