Demographic Variables as Correlate of Marital Satisfaction of Teachers in Kwara State, Nigeria
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Solusi University Bulawayo, Zimbabwe
This study investigated the relative influence of demographic variables (gender, age, highest educational qualification, religion and length of marriage) on marital satisfaction of married teachers in Kwara State. Correlational research design was adopted for the study using multi-stage sampling technique to select 670 married teachers from the three Senatorial Districts of Kwara State. A Questionnaire titled “Marital Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ)” was used to collect the data. One null hypothesis generated was tested at 0.05level of significance. Frequency counts and percentages, mean rating and rank order, and Regression Analysis were employed to analyse the data collected. Findings revealed that married teachers were satisfied with their marriages going by the assertion that „their spouses are loving and affectionate‟‟. The linear combination of gender, religion, age, highest educational qualification and length of marriage were not jointly and significantly correlated with marital satisfaction of teachers in Kwara State. It was recommended that marriage counsellors should educate married teachers on the importance of selected demographic variables of gender, age, length of marriage, religion and educational qualification in enhancing marital satisfaction if not directly at least indirectly.
Gender, Age, Highest Educational Qualification,, Religion, Length of Marriage, Marital satisfaction.
Oniye, A. O., Mustapha, M. L. A., Ajiboye, S. K & Alade, E. E (2017) Demographic variables as correlate of marital satisfaction of teachers in Kwara State, Nigeria Solusi University Research Journal 11(1),74-84