أثر الثقافة العربية والإسلامية في أدب الشعوب الإسلامية: شعر ذكر الله أيندي بارست نموذجا
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Shaqrah University, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
This paper titled: The Effect of Arabic and Islamic Culture on Literature of Muslim Citizens : Sikiru Ayinde Barrister poem as a Case Study, emphasized on the effects that happened between two languages that exist as neighbour to each other, and as such their literature. This is what happened between Arabic and Yoruba Languages in the Yorubaland of Nigeria, the phenomenon which Sikiru Ayinde Barrrister is representing through his poem which started initially to wake up Muslim of Yoruba land during early morning meals during Ramadan, his poem is characterized with Islamic literature virtues in term of purpose, method and content. This paper aimed at shielding light on his poem based on the Islamic Literature points of view, with emphasis on his starting point of his poem, preaching through his poem, using verses of the Glorious Quran as reference point and praise singing the extols of prophet Muhammad (SAW) on the same way the Arab used to, the paper also, did evaluation study of his poem with some observations which basically on Islamic literature virtues, the paper concluded with suggestion.
أثر الثقافة العربية والإسلامية في أدب الشعوب الإسلامية: شعر ذكر الله أيندي بارست نموذجا, Arabic and Islamic Culture on Literature, Muslim Citizens, Sikiru Ayinde Barrister’s Poem
Shaqrah University.