Federal Inland Revenue Services's Infomation Power vis-a-vis secrecy regulation in Nigeria: A Critique

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Faculty of Law, Ekiti State University


This paper critically examines whether seeking protection under the professional privilege could avail or protect the bankers just like the legal practitioner from divulging client information to FIRS. The finding of the paper reveals that, unlike the legal practitioners, the banker cannot avail himself this protection. However, in order to guarantee taxpayers right to notices, freedom of expression as well as right to privacy, apart from amendment of sections 26(2) Federal Inland Revenue Services Act and 47 (5) Personal Income Tax Act, the paper also recommends that the taxpayer should be allow to have access to a copy of the third party notice so as to know the information sought on them by FIRS and to be able to defend themselves.



information powers, bank secrecy, professional privileges


Ekiti State University Law Journal
