Toxicity of 2,3-Dichlorovinyl dimethyl phosphate on Respiratory dynamics of Clarias gariepinus (Burchell,1822) under laboratory conditions

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Federal University Wukari, Nigeria


Indiscriminate use of Sniper 1000EC has become a serious problem among local fishermen in the southern part of Niger state.A 96hr static bioassay was carried out to determine the effect of 2,3-dichlorovintyl dimethyl phosphate (Sniper 1000EC) on Respiratory dynamics of Clarias gariepinus (Burchell,1822) with mean body weight 19?47+1.05:mean standard length, 20.00+0.05 C.gariepinus showed different respiratory dynamics to varying concentrations of sniper 1000EC (0,5,10,15 and 20mg/l) due to toxicity.OVR appeared to be more sensitive that TFB.These changes were attributed to the toxicant. It is concluded that respiratory dynamics were consequences of exposure to sniper 1000EC.It is recommended that the use of Sniper 1000EC by local fishermen be banned to preserve the aquatic ecosystem



Sniper 1000EC,Clarias gariepinus,Respiratory dynamics,Tail fin beat and Opercula ventilation rate


Abubakar, M.I etal(2019):Toxicity of 2,3-Dichlorovinyl dimethyl phosphate on Respiratory dynamics of Clarias gariepinus (Burchell,1822) under laboratory conditions
