Nutraceutical Value of Eucalyptus Oil on the Quantity and Quality of Goat Milk.


The objective of the study was to investigate the efficiency of Eucalyptus oil as a feed supplement (on the performance characteristics) in sheep nutrition and effect on the quality and quantity of milk production. Fifteen pregnant sheep were randomized against the experimental diets in a completely randomized design model for 60days. Three different diets were prepared for the study namely; Treatment A (control), Treatment B (containing 1.0g/10kg of Eucalyptus oil) and Treatment C (containing 1.5g/10kg of Eucalyptus oil).The result showed that highest crude protein intake was noted in sheep fed with Treatments C, B and A respectively. The study also showed that there were significant differences in the milk quality and quantity of the experimental sheep due to Eucalyptus oil inclusion at different levels in the diet. The highest milk yield was recorded for Treatment C which was superior to the control while the least was for Treatment B Conversely, Treatment A had the highest butterfat and solids not fat contents. It is interesting to note that there was no significant different in the Total Solids content of the milk. In conclusion, the study revealed that inclusion of Eucalyptus oil in the basal diet of the sheep will improve the quality and quantity of milk.



Eucalyptus oil, milk quality and quantity, chemical composition, sheep

