A Reflection of Voters’ Registration on Electoral Integrity in Nigeria

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Faculty of General Studies, Federal University, Dutse


Compiling a credible voter register is one of the major preparatory steps towards instituting an acceptable electoral process among competing candidates and political parties. This fact is often sidestepped or glossed over by many stakeholders in the electoral process. Much emphasis is often placed on the election-day activities. How important thus, is voters’ registration to the conduct of credible elections? This article offers an explanation into the significance of transparent and acceptable voters’ registration to credible elections. It reviewed the conduct of voters registration exercise from 2007 to 2015 and juxtaposed it with the outcome of the succeeding elections. The article reveals that the quality of voters’ registration exercise substantially affects the credibility and subsequently, acceptability of succeeding elections.



Election, Electoral Integrity, INEC, Nigeria


3) Adejumo, A., Salawu, O, I., & Abdulkareem, A.K. (2016). A Reflection of Voters’ Registration on Electoral Integrity in Nigeria. The Gazelle: A Multi-Disciplinary Journal of the Faculty of General Studies, Federal University, Dutse. 1(2). (123-141).
