Self-Concept of Student Bullies in Secondary Schools in Ilorin Metropolis, Kwara State.
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Maiduguri Journal of Educational Studies (MAJES)
Bullying in schools has become an issue of concern across the various segment of the Nigerian society. It is seen as the foundation for much of the youth violence and restiveness currently experienced. This study investigated the general self-concept of Secondary school bullies. The study sought answers to four research questions: what is the self-concept of the secondary school bullies in Ilorin metropolis? Will the self-concept of student bullies vary on the basis of their class level, gender and family types? A sample of 175 bullies in six randomly selected secondary schools in Ilorin metropolis participated in the study. The results of the study revealed that the self-concept of bullies in secondary schools in Ilorin metropolis was high and also that self-concept of bullies do not significantly differ on the bases of gender, class level and family types. The study recommends that counsellors in schools should endeavour to sensitise the entire school communities on the incidence, prevalence and consequences of bullying behaviour and assist bullies in developing healthy self-concept, learn better ways of seeking recognition, status and advancement without harming others.
Keywords: Self-concept, Bullies, Secondary School Students, Ilorin
Mustapha,, Mulikat L.A., Bolu-Steve, Foluke N., Adeboye, Adenike
A Journal of the Department of Education, University of Maiduguri,