Resilience and its relatedness to Mental Distress among Nursing Students in a Nigerian Tertiary Educational Institution
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Iman Medical Journal
Background: process of nursing education has been described to be stressful associated with mental distress and unwellness. The cost of this has been exorbitant on the individual, significant others and the society at large. Resilience has been identified as one of the means to to resolved the trend. base on this premise, the study aimed to investigate into Resilience and its relatedness to Mental Distress among Nursing Students in a Nigerian Tertiary Educational Institution.
Methodology: data was cross-sectionally collected from 66 nursing students in their 2 to 5 years of their studies. Data on the participants socio-demographic, their resilience characteristics, presence of symptoms of mental distress, anxiety and depression, level o social support and mindfullness practices.
Results: the participants mean age was 21.75 years (SD=3.2) and are predominantly females (89.60%).majority of them have mental unwellness (i.e. cases on GHQ.12, HADS-depression subscale and HADS-anxiety subscale respectively. 78.8%, 87.9% and 92.0%) with good resilience characteristics (50.3%), moderate social supports(57.8%), and good mindfullness practices (51.5%). Resilience was moderately and significantly related to depressive symptoms and mindfullness practices.
Conclusion: Mental distress is common among undergraduate nursing students and that distress was more among resilience students despite their noted good mindfullness practices. it was recomended that a way to revers this to boost participants resilience with benefit of improving academic performance and limiting future professional burnout.
Nursing students, mental distress, Resilient, Mindfullnes practices,