Legislative Process in Nigeria's National Assembly

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Department of Political Science, University of Ilorin



The legislature is sine qua non to democratic governance. Democracy cannot exist without the legislature. This is because it is the key institution that sustains the existence of democracy and distinguishes a democratic government from other forms of government. The legislature serves as the engine of democratic governance, because it is an organization that makes laws and the laws set the agenda for the government and regulate the conduct of the people. As important as the three arms of government are, democratic survival is largely anchored on the legislature. This is due to the strategic position which the legislature occupies in the democratic practice. It is the core institution that gives direction to people's participation in governance which is the epitome of democracy. Its significance and centrality stem out of the fact that it is un-dissociated from representative democracies as they are constructed around it or on the basis of it. Its inviolability is seen on the grounds that any attack against its composition or functioning is seen as a blow against democracy. The legislature makes laws for the good governance of the polity and performs oversight functions on the executive to prevent democratic tyranny. The legislature also represents the people's interests in the government. The duties of the legislators are enormous. In performing the duties, there are certain established and documented procedures that the legislators must follow, failure to do so render the outcome null and void. It is against this backdrop that this chapter highlights the procedures of the legislature in performing its functions


