Home - School Synergy: A Dialectical and Symbolic Milestone for Socialization Process of The Child

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Global Journal of Academic Research Forum


Building strong synergy between home-school is a veritable tool at improving effective learning outcomes. Home versus school synergy is required owing to the complexity of the society and the anticipatory needs of the child as he/she internalizes with the wider world. This paper examined conceptual clarification of home and school, x-rayed the rationale for family-school partnership and highlighted the principles that underpin effective Home-School Partnerships. Dimensions of Family-School Partnerships, feature of successful home-school partnerships, role of the school as a centre of community services, role of the school as a community centre, and ways of making the school as centre of community service were further explained. Suggested Strategies for effective Home - School in developing symbolic Synergy were further addressed



Home-school, Synergy, Symbolic Milestone, Socialisation, Child

