Improving Awareness and Preventive Activities about Rabies in Ifelodun Local Government Area, Kwara State and Aba South Local Government Area, Abia State, Nigeria.

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Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Ibadan.


Rabies is an ancient disease of poor and vulnerable communities and is responsible for many human deaths in Africa and Asia. The rate at which cases of rabies are reported in the media, veterinary clinics and human hospitals is increasingly high. Although rabies is highly feared, yet public awareness and knowledge of its risk factors are still very poor in Nigeria. The low level of the knowledge of the disease has negatively affected the elimination of rabies in the country. The aim of this study was to impact members of the selected communities with knowledge about rabies. Rabies awareness campaign was carried out in Ifelodun Local Government Area of Kwara State and Aba South Local Government Area of Abia State, Nigeria from July to September 2019 using public address system to communicate, inform and educate youths and adults in schools, churches, mosques, markets, town halls and community centers in the study areas. Questionnaire was thereafter administered to collect data on rabies awareness and anti-rabies vaccination for dogs. The study revealed general acceptance of members of the communities to the educational awareness campaigns carried out in the study areas. This was also reflected in the respondents’ knowledge that rabies is a deadly disease (69%) transmitted majorly by dogs (73%) and predominantly through bite (86.6%). The government at all levels should sponsor and incorporate rabies education into free mass dog vaccination programs. We recommend that government should support regular rabies campaign in addition to mass dog vaccination programs and consider subsidy on anti-rabies vaccine for the successful elimination of rabies in Nigeria.



Rabies, Awareness, Preventive activities


Aiyedun J.O., Nwoha R. I. O., Oludairo O. O., Daodu O. B. and Akanbi, O. B. (2022): Improving Awareness and Preventive Activities about Rabies in Ifelodun Local Government Area, Kwara State and Aba South Local Government Area, Abia State, Nigeria. Tropical Veterinarian, 40 (1&II): 42-52.
