Compressive Strength Characteristics of Ara and Apado Nigerian Timber Species . Ethiopian Journal of Science and Sustainable Development. 6(2); 1-7, Published by Adama Science & Technology University, Ethiopia.
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Ethiopian Journal of Science and Sustainable Development. Adama Science & Technology University, Ethiopia.
The paper examined the reliability of the Nigerian grown Ara and Apadotimber species as column materials. The work focuseson the compressive strength characteristics of Nigerian Ara (Pterocarpus erinaceus) and Apado (Berlinia spp)timber column of nominal lengths 200, 400, 600 and 800 mm and cross section of 50 by 50 mm. The steps involved include collection and conditioning of Apa and Apado timber species, preparation of test specimens, determination of physical and compressive strength properties and derivation of continuous column design equations. Twenty (20) test samples were used for all the tests carried out. Apa and Apado have an average density of 652.83and 732.56 kg/m3,respectively. Moisture content of both speciesisless than the maximum recommended value of 20 % and the average strength at yield of Apa and Apado were 38.81and 29.61 N/mm2. The derived continuous equations for design of Apa and Apado column are σ=47.882−0.009λand σ=17.211−0.007λrespectively. Ara and Apado have the reliability index of 0.63 and 0.65 respectively for a service life of 50years, assuming other serviceability conditions are met.The paper therefore recommends the adoption of these equations for the design of compression members from these timber species, in Nigeria
Paper on timber
Apado, Ara, Compressive strength, Reliability, Slenderness ratio.