Causes of Nagging in Marriage as Expressed by Married Women in Oyo State, Nigeria

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Journal of Issues and Practice in Education


Abstract: Nagging in marriage is one of the peculiar characteristics that are common among married women and this can results into various problems among couples. from varying factors. This study investigated the causes of nagging in marriage as expressed by married women in Oyo State, Nigeria. Descriptive survey design was adopted for this study. Proportional and stratified sampling techniques were used to draw a sample of 663 married women who participated in the study. The instrument used to obtain data was a researcher designed questionnaire tagged “Causes of Nagging Questionnaire (CNQ)”. Frequency count and percentage were used to analyze the demographic data of the respondents while all hypotheses were tested using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) at 0.05 alpha level of significance. The findings of the study revealed that nagging in marriage can be caused by lack of effective communication between couple, inability to tolerate individual differences, financial problem, disagreement on religious matters and unsatisfactory sexual relationship. The hypotheses tested revealed that there is no significant difference in the causes of nagging as expressed by married women on the bases of educational qualification, religion and length of years in marriage. Based on the findings of this study it was recommended that couples irrespective of age, educational qualification and gender should be encouraged to go for counselling before contracting marriage, marriage counsellors should educate their clients on the desirability of acquiring effective communication skills, in order to guard against nagging in their marriage.



Nagging, Marriage, Married Women

