Assessment of Existing Drainage Facilities with an Intensity Duration-Frequency Curve for the Purpose of Storm Water Management in Ilorin Metropolis


Drainage channels are critical facilities necessary for the conduit and proper transportation of surface run off, with its effectiveness comes storm water management, this is because without the drains the water can become a major hazard as flooding instead of a blessing inform of rainfall precipitation. This study has evaluated the existing drainage facilities in Ilorin metropolis for the purpose of storm water management. The approach used are; preliminary data collection, reconnaissance survey, field work and data computation. This was followed by a desk study of fall data to produce an IDF curve, analysis of the drains based on the intensities obtained and report writing. Results obtained revealed that most of the existing drainage facilities in Ilorin metropolis were functioning below capacity hydraulically, in terms of discharge, area and velocity. And this makes the surrounding environment prone to flooding. Area and velocity are two of the most seriously affected hydraulic parameter in the study area with percentage difference of 10% in most study area.



Evaluation, Drainage, Storm water management, Intensity Duration Frequency Curve (IDF)


O.V. Oluwaseun, 1j.O. Iji, 1 S.O. Bilewu.(2020). Assessment of Existing Drainage Facilities with an Intensity Duration-Frequency Curve for the Purpose of Storm Water Management in Ilorin Metropolis. Journal of Research Information in Civil Engineering. 17(1). 3934-3951
