Yield Potential of Sub-Tropical Maize Hybrids of Different Maturity Groups across Nigeria Guinea Savanna

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Federal University of Technology, Akure Nigeria


Yield potential can be defined as the yield of a crop cultivar when grown in environments to which it is adapted, with nutrients and water non-limiting with pests and diseases effectively controlled. This study assessed the yield potential of sub-tropical hybrids of different maturity classes in Nigeria's savannas and also identify superior hybrids that could be further evaluated. 45 early, 42 intermediate and 40 late maize maturing hybrids along with two (2) checks were evaluated at three planting sites (Ilorin, Zaria and Kano) in 2016. The experiments were laid out in Randomized Complete Block Design with three (3) replicates on each site. Data collected were subjected to analysis of variance and means were separated using least significant difference. Hybrid CZH142153 (2978.95 kg ha-1) was the highest yielder for the early maturing hybrids, CZH15028 (3027.77 kg ha-1) for intermediate and CZH142123(2702.77 kg ha-1) ranked top for late hybrids. Kano was the best for grain yield among the early (2731.22 kg ha-1) and late (2836.53 kgha-1) hybrids while Zaria was best for the intermediate hybrids (2010.88 kg ha-1). This study should be repeated at the locations used and other locations for two or more seasons to confirm their yield potential.



Early varieties, guinea savannah, late/intermediate, maturing groups, yield potential, Zea mays


Oladipo M.S., Olaoye G., Atanda A. and Bankole F. (2021). Yield potential of Sub-Tropical Maize Hybrids of different maturity groups across Nigeria Guinea Savanna. Applied Tropical Agriculture Vol 26, 2:144-154. Published by Federal University of Technology, Akure Nigeria,
