Effect of Motivational Factors on Employees’ Productivity: A Case Study of Dangote Flour Mills Plc. Ilorin Plant, Kwara State
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Entrepreneurial Journal of Management Sciences
The study is designed to find out the effect of motivational factors on employees’ productivity in Dangote Flour Mills Plc. Ilorin plant. The factors considered were salary and wages, pension scheme, working conditions, employees’ training and development and employees participation in decision making. The objectives are to examine the effect of motivational factors on employees’ productivity and to determine factors that motivate the employees. The study will find out the motivational factors used in Dangote Flour Mills Plc. Ilorin and how effective these motivational factors are. Two hundred questionnaires were administered to the respondents out of which one hundred and eighty was returned. The data collected were analysed using frequency count, percentages and the Z-test statistical technique. The result depicts that motivational factors have effect on employees’ productivity. 82.2% of the total respondents strongly agreed that motivational factors have effect on employees’ productivity. It was concluded that factors identified to be promotional factors have effect on employees’ productivity. Based on the findings it was recommended that the management of every organisation should ensure that motivational factors are put in place and reviewed to boost employees’ morale and increase productivity.
Employees, Management, Motivational factors, Productivity, Organisation