Malaria Vulnerability Mapping of Ilorin-South, Kwara State, Nigeria.
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Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Nasarawa State University Keffi.
Malaria is a vector-borne disease (VBD) that has become a significant public health challenge in Nigeria. Despite the launch of an initiative like the Roll Back Malaria, which was aimed at halving the morbidity and mortality rate in Nigeria, there appears to have been not much success recorded. The purpose of this study is to identify areas of malaria risk and vulnerability, to effectively mitigate the consequences. To achieve this, GIS-based spatial modelling techniques was applied, taking into account factors such as climate (temperature and rainfall), land use/land cover and topographic factors (elevation, slope and topographic wetness index (TWI) of the study area. A 30m digital elevation model (DEM) was utilized and obtained from the shuttle radar topographic mission (SRTM), Landsat 8 image from the United States geological survey, climate data from the World platform and the data from reported Malaria cases from the secondary Health care centers. Standardized and reclassified criteria was used for the Malaria risks mapping at a score range of 1 to 4, where 4 is the highest and 1 represents the lowest malaria risk area. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) was used to determine the relative importance weight of the malaria risk criteria. The final malaria risk classes were combined using the weighted sum overlay method to produce the final vulnerability map. The spatial distribution of the malaria risk in the study was homogeneous. The result shows that 12.7% (3110.04ha) of the area was at low risk of malaria, while 87.3% (21316.30ha) of the area was at high risk of malaria. An assessment was done on the map produced to evaluate the accuracy of the malaria vulnerability map produced compared to data on malaria cases collected from the secondary health centres within the study area. The map produced passed the accuracy assessment which implies that the map is reliable. The study will assist in more informed decision making and policy making in terms of planning for malaria intervention and control measures.
Malaria risks, GIS, Mapping, Vulnerability, AHP, Environmental Factors
Babalola Ayo, Daniel Brimmo, Idrees Oludare M., Modibbo M., & Abdulraheem Maimuna Orire. (2021). Malaria Vulnerability Mapping of Ilorin-South, Kwara State, Nigeria. Journal of Environmental Sciences (2) 1: 113-127. Published by Faculty of Environmental Sciences, Nasarawa State University Keffi