Personality Factor and Self-Perception Susceptibility as Correlates of Internet Addiction among University of Ibadan Students

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Department of Sociology, University of Ilorin, Nigeria.


Abstract Internet use has become a phenomenon of interest all over the world. Nigerian University students have become receptive to internet technology. However, the downside is that internet use can lead to internet addiction. Extant literature indicates that there are sparse studies on how students become addicted to the internet. This study therefore investigated personality factors and self-perception susceptibility, as determinants of internet addiction among students of University of Ibadan. The study is a survey research and it made use of structured questionnaires to elicit responses from 1398 regular and online distance learning (ODL) students of the University of Ibadan. Four hypotheses were generated and tested at 0.05 level of significance. Results indicate that female students scored significantly higher on internet addiction than their male counterparts t(353)=2.792. Marital status also showed that respondents who are single significantly score higher on internet addiction than the married t(353) = 3.063. Also, respondents who are regular students scored significantly higher on internet addiction than respondents who are on ODL mode of study t(353)= 2.197. Self-perception susceptibility, extraversion, conscientiousness, agreeableness, openness and neuroticism jointly predicted internet addiction F(6.341)=12.209). Self-perception susceptibility, conscientiousness, agreeableness, and neuroticism also independently predicted internet addiction (β = .267; t =5.304); (β = .208; t = 2.909); (β = .292; t = 4.661); (β = -.158; t = -2.470) Therefore, sex, marital status, mode of study and personality traits of extraversion, conscientiousness, agreeableness, openness and neuroticism are important factors in internet addiction.



Personality traits, Self-perception susceptibility, Internet addiction


Oyeleke, J. T & Ibrahim, B. A. (2019). Personality Factor and Self-Perception Susceptibility as Correlates of Internet Addiction among University of Ibadan Students. Ilorin Journal of Sociology, 11(2), 212-220.
