Drug Use, Alcoholism and Youth Violence In Socially Disadvantaged Neighbourhoods in Ilorin


In Nigeria, the havoc wrecked by the drugs, alcohol abuse, and youth violence is inestimable. This is owning to the fact that many young people were arrested and/or admitted to hospital for drug, alcohol and violence related problems. Literature has established a strong link between the drug and alcohol abuse and youth violence. Against this backdrop, this study examines the effect of the drug and alcohol abuse on seemingly obnoxious youth violence, in Socially Disadvantaged Neighbourhoods in Ilorin. The study was situated within the context of Broken Window Theory. The study adopted multiple sampling method and data were gathered from primary and secondary sources. Questionnaire and In-depth interview (IDI) were employed to collect primary data from 500 respondents conveniently selected. The quantitative data were analysed using frequency tables, simple percentage, and Chi-square test of association, while qualitative data were analysed using content analysis. The study established that youth violence is common in Ilorin. About 50.8% respondents affirmed that their neighbourhood is not safe from youth violence. 62.8% of the study population affirmed that youth violence is more common in their neighbourhood. 57.4% of the respondents said they had experienced several incidents of youth violence in the last 90 days. Furthermore, respondents affirmed that youth violence in Ilorin is a result of an interplay between several factors: Neighbourhood unplanned structure (73.1%); Unwillingness to report to police because of fear of victimization (81.6%); No sign of security patrol (49.1%). Accordingly access to illegal drugs and alcohol is an important factor impelling youth violence in the study area (P<0.05). The findings from the study highlight the need to incorporate the local administration and community leaders in the fight against drug and alcohol abuse and youth violence, while also addressing the socio-economic and neighbourhood factors responsible for youth violence.



Drug Use, Alcoholism, Youth Violence, Socially Disadvantaged Neighbourhoods


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