From page to stage: the technical and choreographic challenges in sunnie ododo's vanishing vapour

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Redeemers University, Mowe


Dance is a universally acclaimed nonverbal art However, unlike other non verbal rts, It requires the use of other elements of the performing Arts to enhance or aid the communication of its intended meaning. One of such elements is the technical requirement/ challenges of staging/performing a dance. It is in thIs regard that our paper explores the technical and choreographic challenges of performing Sunnie Ododo's vanishing vapour. Through an analytical methodology, coupled with consultations from relevant authorities. we intend to examine the parameters it has gone through in its scripting/documentation nd the technical challenges imbued in the practical actualization on stage. During our research. we discovered that in Nigeria. there is little or no book that dIscusses the intricacies of writing a dance libretto. Equally. we observed that because of some technical ambiguity. the script is not in total conformity with a dance script meant for practical realization on stage. As a result. we recommend that dance scholars should produce books on how to write dance librettos from the Nigerian. Amcan and general perspective. Also. dance librettists should endeavour to ensure that their scripts are movement and technically plausible.




dance, technical, choreography, challenges

