Factors hindering counselling services among students with hearing impairment as expressed by guidance counsellors in Kwara State, Nigeria
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Association of Professional Counsellors in Nigeria (APROCON)
One of the major responsibilities of professional counsellors is the provision of counselling service to every school child, irrespective of the physical challenges of such students. Studies have shown that students with hearing impairment in particular are faced with peculiar learning and social problems which require the attention of guidance counsellors. However, counsellors could encounter challenges in rendering adequate services to students with hearing impairment due to many factors. This study therefore investigated factors hindering counselling services among students with hearing impairment (H.I) as expressed by guidance counsellors in Kwara State, Nigeria. The descriptive survey method was adopted where a total of two hundred and fifteen respondents were purposively selected to participate in the study. Questionnaire entitled “Factors Hindering Counselling Service Questionnaire (FHCSQ)” was employed to gather data. The instrument possessed a reliability coefficient of 0.74 after being subjected to a test-re-test method and the Pearson Product Moment Correlation statistical procedure. The measure of central tendency (mean) and t-test statistical tools were used to analyse and test the research question and the three null hypotheses. The results revealed that counsellor-related factors were the most significant factors hindering provision of counselling services to students with hearing impairment. There was also a significant difference in the expression of respondents on the basis of school type and ability to use sign language. It was therefore recommended that guidance counsellors should improve on their knowledge of the use of sign language and students with H.I. should acquire hearing aids and show willingness to benefit from counselling services.
Hearing impaired, Counselling, Guidance Counsellors, Hindrance, Expression