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African Association for Public Administration and Management
Nigeria emerged at independence in 1960 as a potentially great nation. This is by virtue of its vast population and mineral endowment. This potential greatness has however. remained a mirage as the country continues to suffer significant setbacks in its developmental efforts. Much of the goodwill which the country initially enjoyed at independence has declined drastically. A major fallout of this is the recurrent image and credibility crisis which the country has continued to face. Worst still, this problem has failed to subside ill spite of successive governments I efforts at managing it. This paper argues that most of this is a result of the limited effort being made to sell Nigeria creditably to her own population at home and abroad. At the same time, most of the governance crises that underpin or precipitated the image remain and need to be tackled decisively. In addition there is the continuing failure of the Nigerian state to develop capacity to manage new challenges. So, for the country to come out of its current international image problem, it is imperative that the government addresses the fundamental issues and endeavour to re-focus attention on the re-branding efforts.
Credibility, Image, Population, Potential