Interpretation of high resolution aeromagnetic data of Kaoje and its environ, western part of the Zuru Schist belt, Nigeria: implication for Fe–Mn occurrence

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This study presents an appraisal of mineralization potential and the geologic record of Kaoje and environs using high-resolution aeromagnetic data. The data were analyzed using the fast Fourier transform technique for reduction-to-equator (RTE), analytic signal (AS), total horizontal derivative (THDR), tilt derivative (TDR), spectral analysis and Euler deconvolution at varying spectral indices. The reduced to equator residual magnetic intensity range from -73.4 to 205.6 nT and are associated with contrasting lithology of the Sedimentary and Basement Complex rocks. The anomalies and analytic signal amplitude unfold and update the extension of Zuru Schist to the southern region of Kaoje, elongated banded gneiss within the schist body, pegmatite intrusion through the migmatite and NNW-SSE trending schist hosted manganite and sandstone-hosted goethite. Estimated depth to shallow and deeper magnetic sources ranged from 0 to 59 m and 225–415 m respectively, and the corresponding Euler solutions revealed perfect clustering along notable geologic features and minerals. The iron mineralization are revealed as sourced from the magmatic bodies that lie beneath the sedimentary rocks and a corresponding sphere geologic model within northwest and southwest of Kaoje at a depth range of 0–225 m. The structural trends suggested the tectonic events in the area and indicate an imprint of Zungeru-Anka transcurrent fault that serves as a conduit for iron mineralizing fluid to Kaoje.



Geophysics, Environmental science, Earth sciences, Geochemistry, Manganite, Goethite, Fault, Mineralization potential, Magnetic anomalies, Schist belt, Research Subject Categories::NATURAL SCIENCES

