Literary criticism between theory and Practice

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The Faculty of Languages Al-Madinah International University, Malaysia.


Literary terms vary in their meanings and purposes, each of which has a special function that distinguishes it, and with the expansion of the fields of Arabic literature, it is necessary to know what each of its branches is based on, because literature surrounds every intellectual text that witnessed the light of life. As for criticism, it is the one that focuses on the criteria drawn up in issuing judgment on any literary work, and its depth has expanded with the passage of time, as scholars drew special elements for it that the literary student employs in the study of any literary text. Then his garden expanded with the emergence of critical schools, and it was divided into modern and ancient literature. Later, he proved theories that the critics tended to, so they justified them and established rules and principles for them. This article aims to know the reality of literary criticism according to the understanding of the researcher after examining the opinions of scholars, then to know the purpose of literary theory according to what the critics went to, in addition to knowing its relationship to literary work and its relationship to the study of literary works themselves. The article will shed light on the following points: what is meant by literary criticism, critical theory, and literary criticism in the applied aspect, and literary criticism between theory and practice.



